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董事会批准2024-25年的学费,继续关注可负担性, 新项目, 马丁代尔装修

威尼斯人在线’s 校董会 during its regular session Thursday approved rates for the institution’s 2024-25 academic year, 包括学杂费, 食宿费, 和 supplemental fees that support the University’s continued emphasis on accessibility 和 affordability.

董事会核准了第4号决议.2 percent rate increase in alignment with the University’s focus on meeting student expectations 和 experiences while maintaining its goals of operational excellence in the highly competitive higher education market.

基于30学时, in-state undergraduate 学生 attending Northwest next fall will see an estimated average net tuition price of $210.15, while out-of-state undergraduate 学生 will see an estimated average net tuition price of $420.29.

另外, 房价每年将上涨260至320美元, 这取决于学生选择的宿舍. Meal plan rates will cost between $140 和 $182, depending on the residential meal plan selected.


西北总裁博士. Lance Tatum (left) 和 Board Chair Roxanna Swaney hear a presentation during Thursday's 校董会 session. (图片来源:Lauren Adams/<a href='http://jbtt2u.chathams.net'>威尼斯人在线</a>)

西北总裁博士. Lance Tatum (left) 和 Board Chair Roxanna Swaney hear a presentation during Thursday's 校董会 session. (图片来源:Lauren Adams/威尼斯人在线)

向董事们提出建议的税率, Vice President of Finance 和 Administration Stacy Carrick noted the University’s guiding principles related to the rates 和 that Northwest achieves competitive pricing through operational efficiencies 和 cost containment strategies.

According to a recent report released by the Missouri Department of Higher Education 和 Workforce Development, Northwest is the most efficient among state universities for state appropriations per student full-time equivalent while receiving the lowest state appropriations per degree 和 certificate granted.

同时, 威尼斯人在线的净价格低于密苏里州顶级竞争对手的平均水平, 爱荷华州, 内布拉斯加州和堪萨斯州. 进一步, 96%的第一次, full-time 学生 attending Northwest 和 82 percent of undergraduate 学生 receive scholarships or grants that help lower their tuition costs.

除了学费之外, 食宿, 委员会核可将指定费用共增加5美元.每学时30美元. That increase will support incremental operational 和 inflationary costs for programs, including 安全回家, 学生活动校园娱乐 as well as the Campus Master Plan, which addresses aging infrastructure 和 deferred maintenance.

西北航空公司的技术费用将增加1美元, 每学时的课本费用将增加50美分. 结合, 该大学创新的教科书和笔记本电脑租赁计划平均为学生节省6美元,在威尼斯人在线的四年里有800人.  


的 Board approved the creation of a Bachelor of Science degree in public health 和 a graduate certificate in data analytics to begin next fall.

该大学期望获得公共卫生理学学士学位, 威尼斯人在线将在其玛丽维尔校区提供哪些在线和面对面的课程, 将服务于对公共卫生领域感兴趣的学生的新市场吗. 的 degree program will introduce 学生 to concepts associated with disparities 和 improvement of the health of diverse populations, 卫生政策和流行病学. 它还将帮助学生培养批判性地评估健康问题的技能, 调查健康趋势,制定干预措施, 学会与选民沟通,成为公共卫生领域的领导者.

的 12-hour graduate certificate in data analytics will be offered online 和 assist working professionals interested in business intelligence 和 data analysis. 学生将完成四门入门课程以获得证书, 课程也可适用于威尼斯人在线 数据分析理学硕士学位课程.

Martindale Hall翻新、美化工程

董事会批准了下一阶段 威尼斯人在线在马丁戴尔大厅的改造 解决空间需求和集中操作的联合健康科学计划. 这所大学 去年完成了该设施三楼的翻新目前,该公司正准备着手对该建筑的一楼和二楼进行翻新和扩建.

周四,董事会授权威尼斯人在线校长. Lance Tatum 和 Carrick to execute a contract with a selected bidder that aligns with the total project cost of $17.500万年. 三楼的装修总花费约为1美元.2 million, Carrick explained, 和 the first 和 second-floor renovations are projected to cost $14.3 .除其他项目费用外,如家具和设备,共计约200万美元.

密苏里州议会已经批准了8美元.500万美元对17美元.500万年 total project cost with the requirement that Northwest raise the remaining project funds by December 2024.

当完成, 翻新后的空间将容纳大学的食品和营养实验室, 一个健康实验室和一个运动科学实验室以及教室, 协作空间和休闲空间.

Martindale Hall opened in 1926 as the University gymnasium 和 was renovated 和 repurposed for academic programs between 1973 和 1975. 该建筑是该组织的主要办公地点 健康科学与健康学院 包括四个教室和其他学习活动空间.

在为马丁代尔庄园附近的另一个项目打基础, the Board approved of the University’s desire to seek funding support to enhance a crosswalk by applying for a grant through the Missouri Department of Transportation’s Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP). 授予, 如果授予西北, 支付80%还是高达600美元,000 of the total project cost; Northwest will fund the remaining 20 percent or up to $150,从每年的校园总体规划基金中拨出$750,以应付项目的总成本,000.

的 proposed project includes a new crosswalk 和 plaza redevelopment extending from the Fourth Street entrance of the Olive DeLuce Fine Arts building to the 乔伊斯和哈维怀特国际广场 with street lighting 和 a new sidewalk connecting Munn Avenue to Ray Avenue on the south side of the street.


在给董事会的报告中,塔图姆回顾了他在大学的第一年,他指出 he attended his first meeting with regents last 3月 in conjunction with his introduction as the institution’s next leader.

“我想感谢大家给了威尼斯人在线这个机会, 对于有机会成为威尼斯人在线的校长,威尼斯人在线仍然感到非常荣幸,塔图姆代表他的家人说. “我还要感谢所有让威尼斯人在线顺利过渡的人. 我很容易就适应了这个社区和这所大学.”

Tatum voiced pride for the University’s accomplishments during the past year 和 the foundation being laid for the institution’s future success. 具体来说,他强调 the Board’s approval of an energy infrastructure modernization project that is set to begin this summer as well as a task force set up to study 和 refine Northwest’s recruitment practices 和 continued work on enhancing employee compensation.

总统还讨论了他与国家建立关系的工作, 区域和地方领导, 除了西北的员工, 学生, 校友及朋友. Tatum has accepted invitations to participate in several student engagement activities – including 拜访了去年秋天赢得“熊猫摇篮”房间装饰比赛的两名学生 和判断 Alpha Sigma Alpha姐妹会 Mr. 上个月的西北比赛.

塔图姆庆祝了最近熊猫队的田径荣誉,包括成功的赛季 男人的女性的 篮球队, 男子总教练本·麦科勒姆即将进入密苏里体育名人堂威尼斯人在线室内田径队的国家荣誉.

最后,塔图姆向 Dr. 克拉伦斯•格林, who served Northwest during the 2022-23 academic year as its interim president 和 recently announced his retirement from the University after 28 years of employment. 绿色, 尽管他没有出席周四的会议, received a st和ing ovation from regents 和 meeting attendees at the conclusion of Tatum’s remarks.

“我会想念克拉伦斯的,”塔图姆说. “我每次看到他脸上都带着笑容. 我从未见过他心情不好. I have never spoken to him about an institutional matter where his passion for the people that work here 和 for the 学生 that attend here does not come through in everything that he says. 他确实是这所大学最伟大的倡导者. 我知道,在他开始人生新篇章的时候, he will know 和 that he will fully underst和 that he is leaving Northwest better than it was when he came here – 和 I know that because I’ve told him that several times.”

校董会 负责完善大学的资源管理,并制订一般的, 教育和财政政策.


Dr. 马克Hornickel

